
Have your WorkerServlets implement a procedure called childInit or
something, which is basically an empty procedure in the SuperServlet.  Then
call this function as the last (or first) call of the SuperServlet init
function. This is much like how GenericServlet makes init() a convenience
call instead of init(ServletConfig config).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jill Stephenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 8:52 PM
Subject: Using a servlet superclass

I have a number of servlets in my application that need to
perform common initialisation, etc.  So I was thinking of
creating a superclass that has an init method that does all
of the common work, eg.,

public class SuperServlet extends HttpServlet {
  public void init() {
    // do common initialisation stuff in here
  } // init
} // SuperServlet

Then all the workers servlets would extend SuperServlet
rather than HttpServlet, eg.,

public class WorkerServlet extends SuperServlet {
} // WorkerServlet

This seems to be OK, until I implement init in the
WorkerServlet, as the init method in the SuperServlet
does not then get invoked.  While I can call super.init()
in the WorkServlet, I want this to be handled automatically
as I can bet on someone forgetting this step, eg.,

public class WorkerServlet extends SuperServlet {
  public void init() {
    // don't want to have to make this call ==> super.init();
  } // init
} // WorkerServlet

Is there any way to implement this ?


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