It will be relative to the directory you see in your browser. For instance, if you have this...


The .jsp file below would be loaded from the root of /mycontext just like mypage.jsp is. The URL to it would be...


Keep in mind that the <script> source path has nothing to do with servlet mappings and such. It is resolved by the browser. This means it definitely cannot be under WEB-INF since that is not directly accessible via a browser. It is a server-side concept so only server-side code has access to it. Here is where it would physically exist in your webapp...



At 08:48 PM 8/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:

I assume this has been asked before, but I can't seem to track it down in
the archives
or any other document I have found.

I am having trouble inserting a

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"

into my HTML output and the browser being able to find the JS file.

I have tried putting the js files into various directories but have not been
successful in find the correct place.

I have tried putting them in the following locations:


but none of these fix the problem of the missing JS file in the brower.

Any pointers on what I may be doing wrong (I assume that Tomcat can
serve up the JS files just as it can my Image files).

Thanks in advance,

Don Reese

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