Hi -

Things I would check:

- apache's access and error log -> is Apache trying to handle the request instead of Tomcat?

- Tomcat's log -> is Tomcat even getting the request?

- move mod_jk.conf to APACHE_HOME/conf, change your Include to match. Then change JkLogLevel to "debug" or "info" (I forget which..try "info" first) and check mod_jk.log for more info

- verify a Connector on port 8009

- doublecheck your workers.properties file, especially the .host parameter


Denise Mangano wrote:

I've been following John Turner's how-to (diff apache version but the
instructions can still apply).  I think they problem is a permission
issue, but wanted some verification.

Apache install is ok, Tomcat install is ok.  I followed the steps, and
added the Listeners, and the LoadModule and Include statement at the end
of my httpd.conf.  When I uncomment the Include statement apache starts
up no problem.  When I try to use it, my system just hangs as I try to
start apache.

Tomcat is running under user tomcat, and all directories from
/usr/local/tomcat down have rwx for tomcat, and r only for all others.
However, Apache runs as user 'www'.  I tried changing permissions to be
executable by all but that didn't seem to do the trick.  The system
still hangs when I try to start Apache.

Here is my structure with permissions:

--usr drwxr-xr-x
--local drwxr-xr-x
--apache drwxr-xr-x
--tomcat drwxr-xr-x
--conf drwxr-xr-x
--auto drwxr-xr-x
mod_jk.conf -rwxr-xr-x

If its not a permissions issue, then I'm quite clueless as to what it
can be.  I can't even run a config test.  Any suggestions/advice is
greatly appreciated.


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