What's the output of "APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl configtest"?


Denise Mangano wrote:

John -

I just realized that I explained it slightly wrong.  When I "comment"
the Include statement, apache starts ok.  When I "uncomment" apache will
not start.

I checked what you suggested.  As Bill suggested, I am including my conf
files as well.

1.  Apache's error logs are completely empty ...  Yesterday I checked
them and they had the following:
        [error]mod_ssl: Child could not open SSLMutex lockfile
/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_mutex.30776 (System error follows)
        [error]System: Permission denied (errno: 13)    

That was a permissions issue, which I corrected.  Now when after
starting apache, I wait about 10 seconds, then attempt to start Apache
and it hangs, but nothing is written to either the access_log or the

2.  The only thing in Tomcat's log is the server starting and
stopping...  Here's the relevant mod_jk output:
        INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
        INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8009
        INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /
        INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/28

Same thing that I had on my previous installation. Not sure why there is
mention of jk2.properties.

3.  Tried moving mod_jk.conf and changing the include statement but
still apache is a no go...

4.  There are two connectors on port 8009 in the server.xml file.  These
are still the defaults:
        <!-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
        <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
                port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
                enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
                acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="0"

        <!-- Define an AJP1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
        <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
                port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
                acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>

5.  workers.properties file in /usr/local/tomcat/conf/jk
        #BEGIN workers.properties
        #END workers.properties



-----Original Message-----
From: John Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:19 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: First mod_jk problem - can't start apache with Include statement

Hi -

Things I would check:

- apache's access and error log -> is Apache trying to handle the request instead of Tomcat?

- Tomcat's log -> is Tomcat even getting the request?

- move mod_jk.conf to APACHE_HOME/conf, change your Include to match. Then change JkLogLevel to "debug" or "info" (I forget which..try "info" first) and check mod_jk.log for more info

- verify a Connector on port 8009

- doublecheck your workers.properties file, especially the .host parameter


Denise Mangano wrote:

I've been following John Turner's how-to (diff apache

version but the

instructions can still apply). I think they problem is a


issue, but wanted some verification.

Apache install is ok, Tomcat install is ok. I followed the

steps, and

added the Listeners, and the LoadModule and Include

statement at the

end of my httpd.conf. When I uncomment the Include

statement apache

starts up no problem. When I try to use it, my system just

hangs as I

try to start apache.

Tomcat is running under user tomcat, and all directories from /usr/local/tomcat down have rwx for tomcat, and r only for

all others.

However, Apache runs as user 'www'. I tried changing

permissions to

be executable by all but that didn't seem to do the trick.

The system

still hangs when I try to start Apache.

Here is my structure with permissions:

--usr drwxr-xr-x
--local drwxr-xr-x
--apache drwxr-xr-x
--tomcat drwxr-xr-x
--conf drwxr-xr-x
--auto drwxr-xr-x
mod_jk.conf -rwxr-xr-x

If its not a permissions issue, then I'm quite clueless as

to what it

can be. I can't even run a config test. Any suggestions/advice is greatly appreciated.



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<!-- Example Server Configuration File -->
<!-- Note that component elements are nested corresponding to their
     parent-child relationships with each other -->

<!-- A "Server" is a singleton element that represents the entire JVM,
     which may contain one or more "Service" instances.  The Server
     listens for a shutdown command on the indicated port.

     Note:  A "Server" is not itself a "Container", so you may not
     define subcomponents such as "Valves" or "Loggers" at this level.

<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0">
  <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig" 
modJk="/usr/local/apache/libexec/mod_jk-1.3.eapi.so" />

  <!-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support -->
  <!-- You may also configure custom components (e.g. Valves/Realms) by
       including your own mbean-descriptor file(s), and setting the
       "descriptors" attribute to point to a ';' seperated list of paths
       (in the ClassLoader sense) of files to add to the default list.
       e.g. descriptors="/com/myfirm/mypackage/mbean-descriptor.xml"
  <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener"
  <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"

  <!-- Global JNDI resources -->

    <!-- Test entry for demonstration purposes -->
    <Environment name="simpleValue" type="java.lang.Integer" value="30"/>

    <!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
         UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users -->
    <Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
       description="User database that can be updated and saved">
    <ResourceParams name="UserDatabase">


  <!-- A "Service" is a collection of one or more "Connectors" that share
       a single "Container" (and therefore the web applications visible
       within that Container).  Normally, that Container is an "Engine",
       but this is not required.

       Note:  A "Service" is not itself a "Container", so you may not
       define subcomponents such as "Valves" or "Loggers" at this level.

  <!-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service -->
  <Service name="Tomcat-Standalone">

    <!-- A "Connector" represents an endpoint by which requests are received
         and responses are returned.  Each Connector passes requests on to the
         associated "Container" (normally an Engine) for processing.

         By default, a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector is established on port 8080.
         You can also enable an SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 by
         following the instructions below and uncommenting the second Connector
         entry.  SSL support requires the following steps (see the SSL Config
         HOWTO in the Tomcat 4.0 documentation bundle for more detailed
         * Download and install JSSE 1.0.2 or later, and put the JAR files
           into "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext".
         * Execute:
             %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA (Windows)
             $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA  (Unix)
           with a password value of "changeit" for both the certificate and
           the keystore itself.

         By default, DNS lookups are enabled when a web application calls
         request.getRemoteHost().  This can have an adverse impact on
         performance, so you can disable it by setting the
         "enableLookups" attribute to "false".  When DNS lookups are disabled,
         request.getRemoteHost() will return the String version of the
         IP address of the remote client.

    <!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
               port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
               enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
               acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
               useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
    <!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
     to -1 -->

    <!-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
               port="8443" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
           acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"
               useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true">
      <Factory className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory"
               clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS" />

    <!-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
               port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
               enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
               acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="0"

    <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
               port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
               acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>

    <!-- Define a Proxied HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8082 -->
    <!-- See proxy documentation for more information about using this. -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
               port="8082" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
               acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
               proxyPort="80" useURIValidationHack="false"
               disableUploadTimeout="true" />

    <!-- Define a non-SSL legacy HTTP/1.1 Test Connector on port 8083 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
               port="8083" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
               enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
               acceptCount="10" debug="0" />

    <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.0 Test Connector on port 8084 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http10.HttpConnector"
               port="8084" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
               enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
               acceptCount="10" debug="0" />

    <!-- An Engine represents the entry point (within Catalina) that processes
         every request.  The Engine implementation for Tomcat stand alone
         analyzes the HTTP headers included with the request, and passes them
         on to the appropriate Host (virtual host). -->

    <!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via JK/JK2 ie :
    <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0" jmvRoute="jvm1">

    <!-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy -->
    <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0">

      <!-- The request dumper valve dumps useful debugging information about
           the request headers and cookies that were received, and the response
           headers and cookies that were sent, for all requests received by
           this instance of Tomcat.  If you care only about requests to a
           particular virtual host, or a particular application, nest this
           element inside the corresponding <Host> or <Context> entry instead.

           For a similar mechanism that is portable to all Servlet 2.3
           containers, check out the "RequestDumperFilter" Filter in the
           example application (the source for this filter may be found in

           Request dumping is disabled by default.  Uncomment the following
           element to enable it. -->
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve"/>

      <!-- Global logger unless overridden at lower levels -->
      <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
              prefix="catalina_log." suffix=".txt"

<!-- Because this Realm is here, an instance will be shared globally -->

      <!-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI
           resources under the key "UserDatabase".  Any edits
           that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately
           available for use by the Realm.  -->
      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
                 debug="0" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>

      <!-- Comment out the old realm but leave here for now in case we
           need to go back quickly -->
      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />

      <!-- Replace the above Realm with one of the following to get a Realm
           stored in a database and accessed via JDBC -->

      <Realm  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
         connectionName="test" connectionPassword="test"
              userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
          userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />

      <Realm  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
         connectionName="scott" connectionPassword="tiger"
              userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
          userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />

      <Realm  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
              userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
          userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />

      <!-- Define the default virtual host -->
      <Host name="www.parkingticketpayment.com" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
        <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig" append="true" 
forwardAll="false" modJk="/usr/local/apache/libexec/mod-1.3.eapi.so" />

        <!-- Normally, users must authenticate themselves to each web app
             individually.  Uncomment the following entry if you would like
             a user to be authenticated the first time they encounter a
             resource protected by a security constraint, and then have that
             user identity maintained across *all* web applications contained
             in this virtual host. -->
        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn"

        <!-- Access log processes all requests for this virtual host.  By
             default, log files are created in the "logs" directory relative to
             $CATALINA_HOME.  If you wish, you can specify a different
             directory with the "directory" attribute.  Specify either a relative
             (to $CATALINA_HOME) or absolute path to the desired directory.
        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
                 directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
                 pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>

        <!-- Logger shared by all Contexts related to this virtual host.  By
             default (when using FileLogger), log files are created in the "logs"
             directory relative to $CATALINA_HOME.  If you wish, you can specify
             a different directory with the "directory" attribute.  Specify either a
             relative (to $CATALINA_HOME) or absolute path to the desired
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                 directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_log." suffix=".txt"

        <!-- Define properties for each web application.  This is only needed
             if you want to set non-default properties, or have web application
             document roots in places other than the virtual host's appBase
             directory.  -->

        <!-- Tomcat Root Context -->
          <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>

        <!-- Tomcat Examples Context -->
        <Context path="/examples" docBase="examples" debug="0"
                 reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
          <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                     prefix="localhost_examples_log." suffix=".txt"
          <Ejb   name="ejb/EmplRecord" type="Entity"

          <!-- If you wanted the examples app to be able to edit the
               user database, you would uncomment the following entry.
               Of course, you would want to enable security on the
               application as well, so this is not done by default!
               The database object could be accessed like this:

               Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
               Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
               UserDatabase database =
                    (UserDatabase) envCtx.lookup("userDatabase");
          <ResourceLink name="userDatabase" global="UserDatabase"

<!-- PersistentManager: Uncomment the section below to test Persistent Sessions.

               saveOnRestart: If true, all active sessions will be saved
                 to the Store when Catalina is shutdown, regardless of
                 other settings. All Sessions found in the Store will be
                 loaded on startup. Sessions past their expiration are
                 ignored in both cases.
               maxActiveSessions: If 0 or greater, having too many active
                 sessions will result in some being swapped out. minIdleSwap
                 limits this. -1 or 0 means unlimited sessions are allowed.
                 If it is not possible to swap sessions new sessions will
                 be rejected.
                 This avoids thrashing when the site is highly active.
               minIdleSwap: Sessions must be idle for at least this long
                 (in seconds) before they will be swapped out due to
                 0 means sessions will almost always be swapped out after
                 use - this will be noticeably slow for your users.
               maxIdleSwap: Sessions will be swapped out if idle for this
                 long (in seconds). If minIdleSwap is higher, then it will
                 override this. This isn't exact: it is checked periodically.
                 -1 means sessions won't be swapped out for this reason,
                 although they may be swapped out for maxActiveSessions.
                 If set to >= 0, guarantees that all sessions found in the
                 Store will be loaded on startup.
               maxIdleBackup: Sessions will be backed up (saved to the Store,
                 but left in active memory) if idle for this long (in seconds),
                 and all sessions found in the Store will be loaded on startup.
                 If set to -1 sessions will not be backed up, 0 means they
                 should be backed up shortly after being used.

               To clear sessions from the Store, set maxActiveSessions, maxIdleSwap,
               and minIdleBackup all to -1, saveOnRestart to false, then restart
          <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager"
                <Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore"/>
          <Environment name="maxExemptions" type="java.lang.Integer"
          <Parameter name="context.param.name" value="context.param.value"
          <Resource name="jdbc/EmployeeAppDb" auth="SERVLET"
          <ResourceParams name="jdbc/EmployeeAppDb">
          <Resource name="mail/Session" auth="Container"
          <ResourceParams name="mail/Session">
          <ResourceLink name="linkToGlobalResource"






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