Jon Skeet wrote:
I should state that I'm pretty new to Tomcat 4, but have used Tomcat 3 for quite a while.

In order to prevent the "examples" web-app from loading (which required the invoker servlet, which I've commented out completely for the moment), I thought I could just set the Host autoDeploy attribute to false, and get rid of the examples Context entry from server.xml. However, it looks like even with autoDeploy false, subdirectories of webapps are automatically added. I'm sure I'm just missing something - anyone care to enlighten me?

(Tomcat 4.1.27 if it matters.)

There's liveDeploy too (periodic deployment), in addition to autoDeploy. The attributes have been changed in Tomcat 5, BTW (refer to the docs).

Rémy Maucherat
Senior Developer & Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL

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