You need to add j_security_check to the URIs that get passed to Tomcat.  I
don't use Jk2 myself, but if your version is recent enough, I believe that
you can even use:
   /*/j_security_check ajp13

If I'm wrong (and that doesn't work), simply put the full path to

"Louise Pryor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi
> I'm having a problem using form-based authentication. It all works
> fine with standalone Tomcat, but goes pear shaped on Apache with
> Tomcat. It seems to be the same problem that is described in
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg43091.html
> (but I think it's more a Tomcat thing than a struts thing).
> Basically, I'm using the securityfilter filter from
> I have a login.jsp that submits a form
> to j_security_check in the usual way. The only trouble is that Apache
> comes back with an Apache 404 on /path-to-login.jsp/j_security_check.  It
> clearly not passing j_security_check through to Tomcat to handle.
> The URL at the top of this message suggests passing all requests
> through to Tomcat (at least I think that's what it means - it uses
> mod_jk, and I'm using mod_jk2, which I'm not totally expert at
> anyway). First, that doesn't seem to work for me, and second, although
> I could configure things that way on my local setup it's not a
> realistic option for deployment, where I'm on a shared server.
> The support guy at my hosting service suggested making the target of
> the form /servlet/j_security_check, which at least gets it through to
> Tomcat --- which then gives me a 404. Obviously this is right, because
> I have no servlet mapping that would pick it up.
> So is there a way of defining a servlet mapping (or indeed any other
> element in web.xml) that would push things through to the right place?
> Alternatively is there any way of doing this programmatically? Could I
> send the form into a servlet which could then forward or redirect to
> j_security_check directly, without going through Apache? If so, how?
> Thanks for any help on this.
> -- 
> Louise Pryor

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