> I love cygwin! The ease of use of *nix, the stability of windows.

This combination makes me think of Canadians who could have had British
government, French culture and American know-how and instead got French
government, British know-how and American culture.  Apologies to all
Canadians, BTW - that was a joke I read once.

This thread could end up like that Monty Python sketch:
Geek 1 - Well I don't use anything more sophisticated than Textpad and Ant.
Geek 2 - Textpad and Ant?  Lightweight!  I use ed on a 1970s PDP-11.
Geek 3 - PDP-11?  Loser!  I hand assemble bytecodes by flicking toggle
switches on a MITS Altair.
etc. etc.

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