Thanks for both responses. I've got a better idea now what to test.

Remy's suggestion of extra bytes being written might plausible, espec. as
these are Mac OS files. Sometimes the Apple resource fork messes with little
server minds. 

In the near future, I'll also upgrade to 5.x and  move audio + photos onto a
different box, but that's a few regression tests away yet.

I have been using telnet, jmeter and a RequestDumper valve, but I haven't
set up a test plan to bang on the mp3s. Might be worth simulating 20 users
on a random timer and see what happens.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I'll post back any further findings in case
someone's interested.



on 9/18/03 5:10 AM, Tim Funk wrote:

> I think in > 4.1.24  those messages have been eliminated. Do you get the same
> errors with wget or similar? It could be the player is sending wacky requests.
> Otherwise - at 4.0.4 - I'm out of ideas.
> -Tim

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