So people are using your server as a proxy server? Tomcat (AFAIK) does not allow that from its base functionality. If so - that is a security flaw.


John Wallis wrote:

Hi users,

The html pages are of the web and are not mine. My server somehow acts
like a proxy giving my callers access to the web. I want to prevent this.

In server.xml there are no proxyname/host settings --> ??

Any suggestions

Thank You

John Wallis

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Tim Funk wrote:

1) Delete the html pages
2) If the html pages are masked behind the html pages (via a forward on
include) - Move the pages somewhere under WEB-INF
3) There is an Valve for restrict requests by address - you might be able to
use or adapt that


John Wallis wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have a site that provides jsp/java pages only.

Problem is: people can visit my site (costing me money)
and gain access to the www (html pages).

I don't have any proxy settings in server.xml
How can I block this?

Thank You,

John Wallis

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