Yes, I don't even have a CLASSPATH environment
variable set up on my machine.  When I say CLASSPATH,
I mean the union of TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib and the app
WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib, not an environment

Yes, I believe that's right - the problem is with this
one Web app.

"...Definitely NOT using common/lib, shared/lib, and
other shared repositories.  Disk space is cheap.  Your
time diagnosing classloader issues related to the
common repositories is expensive..." - so true.  

Even for JDBC JARs?  

I've been waffling on this issue for a long time, and
your well-reasoned argument has just swayed me.  I'll
try it and see if that's it.  Thanks - MOD

--- "Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Howdy,
> >On Shawn Bayern's sage advice, I put the
> standard.jar
> >in the CLASSPATH and make the URI identical to the
> As you know, tomcat ignores the CLASSPATH
> environment variable.
> >Both the echo and data source test apps are set up
> >that way, too.
> So the difference must be in your own app's setup,
> right?
> >Here's a "DLL Hell" question for you: where should
> all
> >those JARs go?  I put my JDBC JARs in the
> >TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib directory, as the docs
> >instruct.
> I'm a big fan of putting all jars for a webapp in
> its WEB-INF/lib
> directory.  If a jar is used by N webapp, N copies
> of it should be
> around, one for each WEB-INF/lib directory.  You
> should be able to
> deploy and run your webapp as one packed WAR file. 
> It should be
> self-contained.
> >I've got the JSTL JARs in TWO places:
> >TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib AND in the WEB-INF/lib
> >directory in my WAR file.
> >
> >Could that be it?
> Yes, that could be it.
> >Which do you recommend?
> Definitely NOT using common/lib, shared/lib, and
> other shared
> repositories.  Disk space is cheap.  Your time
> diagnosing classloader
> issues related to the common repositories is
> expensive.
> Yoav Shapira
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