Well, not necessarily unreadable, just different ;-)

I usually play with the tag delimiters to allow some readability. For example, my JSPs usually begin with something like:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType="..."

// class code


// service code

%><!DOCTYPE ... >

And if I need to place two directives with no spaces in between, I write

<jsp:useBean id="data" scope="request" class="my.Data"
name="data" property="aField"

It is not as clean as a directive per line, but at least it doesn't hurt too much :-P


Marius Scurtescu wrote:


Yes, I totally agree that this issue should be brought
up with the JSP specification. I will look into that.

Even if the suggestion is accepted it will be quite
a while until a specification will deal with this
issue and then even longer until there is going to
be a Tomcat implementation supporting it. We are
talking years I guess :-(

For what I know the specification is not saying
anything about this issue and if Tomcat is implementing
it right now it will not go against the spec.

Keeping strictly with the JSP directives (the issue
can be extended to the JSP tags as well, but it
gets more complicated) common sense is enough, I
hope, to realize that whenever you add a directive
you really don't want an empty line in your output.
These empty lines are annoying at best (every time
you check the source of a page generated by JSP you
first see an empty page - quite stupid), and breaking
your app at worst (like in the case of IE).

The absolute best proof that there is a problem
here that needs fixing is the fact that developers
make their code unreadable just as a work around.


Rodrigo Ruiz wrote:

Marius, I think such a feature request should not be addressed to Tomcat, but to the JSP specification itself. Remember that Tomcat is being used as the reference implementation of servlet/JSP technologies, and so it should stick to the specification.

Basically, as I see it, your request means a special treatment for a subset of directives in a few specific cases. I think it would imply that tags could be marked as not generating any output, so when in a single JSP line there were only such marked tags and leading / trailing spaces among them, the line itself could be omited from the output. Such a change should be made from the specification.


Marius Scurtescu wrote:

JSP is a templating language which is using a meta
language: the JSP constructs.

The new line is in the JSP indeed, but is it part
of the meta language or part of the literal output?
I would argue that these new lines are part of the
meta language and that they should not be output.
You put them there so the meta language you use is

See how FreeMarker, another templating language,
is dealing with this issue:

You are not asking the directive to scan anything, the page compiler could consider white space and newlines after a directive as part of that directive.


Adam Hardy wrote:

On 10/30/2003 10:08 PM Marius Scurtescu wrote:

I will consider implementing a filter to remove
the empty lines before the <html> tag.

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