On 11/04/2003 01:43 PM Wade Chandler wrote:
Actually Red Hat isn't just dropping their free distro.  They are moving
to a model closer to the model you see right here.
http://fedora.redhat.com Why not just use that?  You are used to the Red
Hat setup (I guess).  SuSE is a good distro.  You could also use Debian,
but you'll find Red Hat and SuSE more commercially supported.  Depends
on what you need I guess.  You can still download Fedora for free (all
ISO's).  Their new model is a good thing.  Red Hat developers working
with the rest of the open source community.  Awesome.  They're more

That's the first time I've seen anyone say anything good about RedHat for a while. I've heard some horror stories about RedHat from people
working for RedHat so hearing the other side of the coin is interesting.

What about this:

He says SuSE and all the others need to consolidate a linux standard, and he also doesn't say anything good about RedHat, he makes them sound like Microsoft.


struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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