On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Andrew Davis wrote:

>Thanks. That helps. I'm playing with the options now. I notice, however,
>that in the examples at:
>there are no options for specifying the path to java or tomcat anymore
>as there were in the mod_jk workers.properties file. Is this oversight,
>assumption, or is it simply no longer needed?

I believe you will only need the location of java and tomcat if you are
trying to do a JNI integration between them.  There is a more detailed
workers2.properties example in the
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src/jk/conf directory of the source
bundle.  It has examples for setting up JNI startup, etc.  I haven't used
that feature, so I won't be able to offer that much help on it.


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