> All seems to work fine, but there's a hole. If I go to http://qa-wap1, I
> am properly redirected to https://qa-wap1. As I login, follow links,
> etc., I stay on the secure URL. However, if get into a secure URL... say
> https://qa-wap1/submitProfile.jsp and change the URL in my browser to
> http://qa-wap1:80/submitProfile.jsp and refresh the browser, the entire
> page (content and images, both) reloads and looks perfect. The obvious
> problem is that I just circumvented the secure URL concept. There's a
> hole somewhere that I haven't been able to plug. This occurs with
> multiple browsers.

I think I see where the hiccup is.

>      LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2.so
>      AddModule mod_jk2.c

If this is at the bottom of your httpd.conf, if effectively appends
the AddModule for mod_jk2.c to the bottom of the AddModule list.

If you haven't rearranged the other AddModules, that means that
mod_jk2 gets a chance to handle the request before mod_rewrite does.
You want mod rewrite to get it first.  (AddModule works like a stack,
the _last_ one added gets the request _first_.  So, the AddModule for
mod_jk2 should appear *before* the AddModule for mod_rewrite).

mod_rewrite will get a chance to handle http://qa-wap1/, because none
of your jk2.properties because none of the [uri:] blocks in your
jk2.properties match it.

Finally, When moving the AddModule, don't forget to move the
corresponding LoadModule directive.


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