I am running Tomcat on Windows 2000 with jdk1.2.2. I have servlets accessing an
MS Access and Oracle database. The servlets work fine with Sun's JDBC-ODBC
bridge against MS Acces and Oracle's thin driver against the Oracle database.

When I set Tomcat up as a NT service Oracle worked fine after I put the Oracle
drivers on the classpath in wrapper.properties.

However, I started to have problems when I tried to get the MS Access
connection. The driver registered fine but attempting to get a connection
resulted in:

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default
driver specified

Note that the exact same configuration worked fine when running Tomcat as a
normal app and not as a service. Does Sun's JDBC-ODBC bridge rely on something
else that is not accessible when run as a service? Or did I miss something else?


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