Ok, IÄl try to give some more details...

I use the jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src and try this:
./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
--with-apache2-lib=/usr/local/apache2/lib \

then in the end of configure process, I received a message:
no apxs given
building connector for "apche-2.0" 
configure: error: can't locate /usr/local/apache2

I try to put the slash in the end of the path, but the same error
ocourred and try just ./configure too, but then I receive a message: no
Webserver Found ....
I forgot to say thatI compiled apache2 from the source....

Thank's for the help, anyway...

Em Qui, 2003-12-18 Ãs 13:56, Christopher Schultz escreveu:
> William,
> > I trying to compile the mod_jdk from the source version
> > jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2 but everytime an error happens.
> Please provide more information. The error message itself, perhaps.
> > Does anybody know a place where I can get a binary for linux, to connect
> > my apache 2.0.48 and Tomcat 5.0.16 ?
> This does not exist. Binary versions are not available from Jakarta for 
> Linux. It's because you need to compile it against your own apache 
> version and libc version. Sure, you *can* get one from someone else, but 
> it shouldn't be a big deal to compile it.
> > Or maybe send-me the module by e-mail....
> That's a dangerous request. Someone could send you a trojan...
> > I using Fedora Core box and J2sdk 1.4.2
> > 
> > If this is impossible, maybe someone just has passed for the same
> > troubles ?I have now, and help me with something.
> Check the archives for your specific error message. We've beat this to 
> death like a million times on this list. If your error mesage is not 
> found, just followup your own post with the error and we'll see what we 
> can do.
> Since you're using Fedora, it's very possible that you are missing some 
> required library. Fedora isn't exactly ready for prime time. :)
> -chris
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