happy holidays

plz guiude me

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, TJ wrote:

> Hi Daniel, happy holidays to you... what are we fools doing 'working' !?
> > You can get binary and source code at:
> http://www.shiftomat.com/opensource/index.html
> I've added an update to my guide making people aware of your
> distribution.
> > Since 1.4.2 and Tomcat 5.0.16 it is sufficient to download only the
> JRE 
> I too would be interested to know if this is the case. I thought the SDK
> was required because the JSP/Servlets are being compiled on-the-fly and
> therefore the additional SDK components are required.
> > Registry
> > There are additional registry entries for jk2
> > #define USE_AUTH_COMP_TAG       ("authComplete")
> > #define THREAD_POOL_TAG         ("threadPool")
> > #define SEND_GROUPS_TAG         ("sendGroups")
> I discovered the 'new' registry key requirements by running RegMon on
> the Server and watching what Apache keys inetinfo.exe reads when it
> loads isapi_redirector2.dll
> It does query authComplete and threadPool, but not sendGroups or
> logLevel. I kind of 'guessed' at changing log_level to logLevel based on
> the new format of the other keys. As it isn't read from the registry I'm
> guessing it is not used any more.
> >I set authComplete to 0 and threadPool to 20. I have not found any 
> >documentation for sendGroups. It defaults to 0.
> > Run WWW service in IIS 5.0 isolation mode
> >This is the big point. To run IIS 6.0 in native mode, all files used by
> jk2 must be add to the Web extensions:
> jk2.properties
> workers2.properties
> isapi_redirector2.dll
> jk2.shm
> I'm not sure this is the only requirement. I think the issue is more to
> do with the compartment model the DLL uses, so that when used in a
> 'shared' environment a failure serving one web application doesn't bring
> down all the rest.
> I've had a response from a Microsoft IIS guy who says the DLL would need
> to be rewritten to take advantage of IIS 6's new isolation scheme.
> TJ.
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