If you are running Redhat version 9.0, then it might be a problem  with
NPTL( stands for Native POSIX Threading Library and it is a new form of
threading introduced in RedHat with version 9.0
 in RedHat 9).

 Try setting the following environment variable:

  There is a complete description with links to other information in a
previous thread with subject was "Tomcat jitters then hangs" - search the
list archives for further information.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mindaugas Genutis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:49 AM
Subject: Tomcat hangs

> Hello,
> Our Tomcat hangs once in a few days. When the load is larger, sometimes it
> hangs even a few times a day.
> Our system configuration is:
> Tomcat 4.1.24
> JVM 1.4.2
> Linux Redhat 2 GB RAM
> We have deployed a big JSP application on our Tomcat. Mostly it does
> database (MySQL) / XML processing. When Tomcat hangs, we can't stop it
> with the stop script. We need to 'kill' or even 'kill - 9' it.
> Can someone please suggest where should I start the research. Look for
> bugs in the JSPs, configure memory usage etc?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Kaunas Regional Distance Education Center
> Programmer
> Phone: +370 674 05232
> WWW: http://distance.ktu.lt
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