I've got a problem with the nsapi redirector running against Netscape
Enterprise Server 3.6p3 on Solaris 2.8.  

When MaxProcs is set to anything > 1 in Netscape's magnus.conf, the
redirector consistently fails after servicing a few requests.  When it
fails, any requests to a JSP/servlet page just sits there and hangs.  
Everything seems to run fine when MaxProcs = 1.  The MaxProcs parameter
sets the Netscape server into multi process mode, and controls the maximum
number of processes that the Netscape server can have active.

For testing purposes, I've got Tomcat's HTTP connector set to listen
directly on port 8080.  Requests to port 80 go to Netscape, and get passed
on to Tomcat via the nsapi redirector.  There is only 1 ajp12 worker

I've got a script that makes repeated requests to particular servlet on
the server, with 3 requests concurrent/active at any given point in time.  
With MaxProcs > 1, it never succeeds in servicing more than 10 requests
before the redirector hangs.  When this happens:
 - all JSPs/servlets cannot be retrieved from port 80
 - the same JSPs/servlets can be retrieved over port 8080, even when port
80 hangs -> tomcat is running ok
 - static HTML documents can still be retrieved from the Netscape server
on port 80 -> netscape is running ok
When the redirector hangs, I can make a request for a JSP/servlet from
port 80, and cannot even see the line

[jk_worker.c (123)]: Into wc_get_worker_for_name ajp-test1

appear in the debug log for the redirector.

For what its worth, the nsapi redirector was compiled from the Tomcat
3.2.1 sources, with gcc 2.95.2.

Any ideas?  
Should I be configuring more than 1 ajp12 worker if MaxProcs > 1 and
load balancing between the ajp12 workers?

Thanks in advance
Chuin Nee

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