Since you are using Eclipse, why not try out the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 January 2004 23:09
Subject: Eclipse+Ant+Tomcat 5 - problems

I'm starting to try out Tomcat 5 in our development environment, which
has been running Tomcat 4.1.x to-date.
Preface: our IDE is Eclipse, I use Ant with the catalina-ant tasks to
install/remove our web-app from a local Tomcat installation. Everything
has worked fine, though I've noticed that after my first install (once I
start Eclipse and Tomcat) - anytime I remove/install the web-app, the
install appears to init the app twice (my load-on-init servlet's are
called twice, etc.) I never figured out what caused this, but it didn't
negatively impact anything, so I didn't care.
Now, with Tomcat 5 ... after a little tweaking, to my Eclipse
environment, I was able to get my same install/remove task working with
Ant. The only problem now is that after the initial install, when I do a
remove/install, it seems to still init the app twice, only on the second
init, it crokes. Talks about a property string that it can't find and
then that it can't find the deployment directory for the app (the app is
installed from a .WAR)
Not good. So, I did some googling - found that apparent install/remove
has been deprecated in favor of deploy/undeploy. Fine - so I tried using
the deploy task. Apparently, ant doesn't have enough memory to deploy my
90MB+ .WAR (installing never seemed to be a problem) - and when I looked
for threads on the DeployTask generating "OutOfMemory" exceptions, it
said to increase ant's memory ... which I can't, for the life of myself,
figure out how to do with Eclipse. I've previously gone done the path of
having ant fork, but it caused so many problems with our builds, I'd
rather not revisit that.
Does anybody have anything that can help me? I'm trying out Tomcat 5
because Tomcat 4.1.x appears to have some pretty severe memory leaks
with its install/remove operations - if I install/remove my web-app more
than 2-3 times, Tomcat (not the Ant task and not Eclipse) runs
OutOfMemory ... other users have reported that Tomcat 5 does much better
in this arena.
Advise on any of these issues is much appreciated!!
Brice Ruth
Brice D. Ruth
Sr. IT Analyst
Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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