Title: Message
Does anyone have any experience with using XML and XSL in portlet?
Here is my scenario...
I have a JSP portlet that provides the user with links to other documents. When a link is clicked the Action class for the JSP page will go out find the XML document. At this point, I would like the XSL to transform the XML to XHTML/HTML and display it back to the user. I am not sure whether the page that will be displayed back to the user can be another JSP page with the transformed XML as the content or do I have to use an XSL portlet to display the information (even though it will not be known until run time which XML document should be transformed).
My questions are:
- Can Jetspeed and/or Tomcat translate the XML using the XSL (is there an XSL processor native to Tomcat).
- Can a XSL portlet be setup with providin the URL of the XML document (all the docq I have found says you cannot)
Any suggestions would be appreciated
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