
I have tried to configure mod_jk as a load balancer WITH sticky sessions.

I get the load balancing to work perfectly, but NOT the sticky sessions.

This is what I tried:

I set up 4 "ajp13" workers and 2 "lb" workers.

Worker names are "t1_a", "t1_b", "t2_a" and "t2_b".
Load balancer names are "a" and "b", and they point to:
"a" --> "t1_a", "t2_a"
"b" --> "t1_b", "t2_b"

t1_a --> tomcat 1 port X
t1_b --> tomcat 1 port Y
t2_a --> tomcat 2 port X
t2_b --> tomcat 2 port Y

On Tomcat 1, jvmRoute is "t1".
On Tomcat 2, jvmRoute is "t2". (So, jvmRoutes are set-up).

Am I missing something very obvious?

Do jvmRoutes need to have the same name as the workers? I find that strange, but I can't come up with something more logical...

Thank you for any tip.


Antonio Fiol

P.S.: I am using two connectors on each Tomcat because one is configured with scheme="http" secure="false", and the other is scheme="https" secure="true". Our app relies upon that.

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