> > Tomcat manager shows EBook is running.  And, when I request it through
> > Apache, Tomcat does serve it up.  When I request it through port 8080,
> > Tomcat says it's not available:
> I suggest for now you forget running via Apache totally, since if it is
> not working directly from Tomcat, it cannot be running via Apache. What
> you see Tomcat is serving via Apache, actually it is not, rather the
> Apache itself is serving it.
> You say Tomcat manager shows EBook is running, did you run
> localhost:8080//manager/list? Can you post the result of the url?


I think BAO is right about apache here.

 I have a stand alone setup and did a quick test of something. You have in
your web.xml:


When I set mine to this I get 404 resource not found.
Curiously, even though it gave a 404 resource not found, the manager showed
it running.

But with this it works fine.


I had this same problem myself. Sorry I didn't spot it sooner.


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