Am Samstag, 10. April 2004 00:04 schrieb QM:
> On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 11:38:38PM +0200, Ralf Schneider wrote:
> : I want to use Struts 1.1 with Tomcat 5.0.16 and Apache 2.0.48. The Struts
> : documentation only talks about Tomcat 3.x.
> Setting up Apache+Tomcat and Tomcat+Struts are two separate processes
> that don't necessarily have to be done at the same time:


I just tried to follow the Struts docs explaining how to use it with Tomcat 
and Apache, but with older versions. I use Tomcat 5.0.16 with Apache 2.0.48.

> * If you're new to Tomcat, you'd do well to start with a basic
>   Tomcat+Struts approach first, then add Apache later on.
> * If you want only to experiment with Struts from a development point of
>   view, leave Apache out of the picture altogether.

No, I'm not new to Tomcat. I've some experiences with it together with 
Apache2. My job is to move a project using these two players towards Struts. 
So, one requirement is that the basic infrastructure remains as it is. 

> As someone else mentioned, the struts-blank app is just a standard webapp.
> The Tomcat docs describe the process of deploying a webapp.

I know. And as John suggested, I also read a book (in german) about Struts, 
but it only explains how to use it with Tomcat without Apache.

Best regards,

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