>Stefán F. Stefánsson wrote:
>> Ok... thanks (regarding the <icon>).
>> The correct reaction from tomcat... hmmm... not sure I know what you
>> mean here... are you talking in regards to the <icon> or the welcome
>> file list?
>> I'll just answer it in two parts,
>> 1) The icon should be displayed for example in the title bar when the
>> webapp is active in some browser.  I've seen this somewhere on the
>> javasoft site.  Then I got that cute little penguin/triangle thing
>> the hands and all...  I admit that this is not exactly on the top of
>> priority list but more done out of curiosity.
>That happens because the page developer included <img> tags in the
>themselves -- it has nothing to do with the <icon> element in web.xml,
>is there for GUI based deployment tools (which Tomcat does not have).

OK.  So that's what it does... funny... never knew that...  Figures, I
was wondering that 16x16 and 32x32 were really big icons for that tiny
little pic up there in the title bar...  silly me.  Thanks for clearing
that up for me... I feel very small now.

>> 2) With regards to the welcome files I want users to be able to go to
>> the URL http://some.host.somewhere/ and not to the URL
>> IPSControllerServlet.  I think the reason for why I want that is
>> obvious.
>The 2.2 spec is not clear that this is supposed to work (although I
>with you that it should).  If Tomcat 3.x does not do this, you could
>a feature request to make it so.

At least it's not doing it for me.  If I set a servlet in a welcome file
list then nada... and none of the tricks that I've heard of works (doing
a url mapping for something to the servlet and then putting that
something in the welcome file list and so on...).  Also... and this is
an even bigger problem than the last one... the <error-page> tag is not
working at all for me.

This is what I have in the 'web.xml':

The 404.htm is being displayed as a welcome file but every time I try to
access something that does not exist on the server I get the regular
ugly windows internet explorer 404 page.  Have any problems been
reported with <error-page>?

>The 2.3 spec will make it mandatory that servlet URIs can be used in
><welcome-file-list>, and Tomcat 4.0 does this correctly.
>>  The only way I can get that is to create an index.htm file
>> that has this tag in the head section:
>> But I would much rather that the server handled that and I could skip
>> the stupid index.htm file.  At all costs I do not want the user to
>> the directory listing!
>> Thanks for your time,
>>         Stefan.

Regards, Stefan.

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