Thanks Jacob:
There is a paragraph in changelog.txt about Procrun 2 binaries. The Apache Commons Daemon page still does not reflect this change. I've found the sources in There is no html documentation there, but reading the sources, I'm trying to find I'm looking for.
Thanks for your time.


Jacob Kjome wrote:

Hi Tomcat gurus:
I've read carefully service.bat from Tomcat 5.0.19 and Apache Commons
Daemon, and built a customized script for Windows 2000.
But service installation syntax changed in Tomcat 5.0.24. I could'n
find any new explanation in Commons Daemon page. I've observed
tomcat.exe has changed to tomcat5.exe too.
Can anybody send me any hint ?
I need customize the serice installation script.
Thanks in Advance.

When you says "service installation syntax changed in Tomcat 5.0.24", I'm not

quite sure what you mean.  You still just do...

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\service install

The syntax of the service.bat file itself changed a bit, if that is what you

Yes, it is.

It should be relatively straightforward to customize.  Just follow the
pattern that is already there.  I customize the script myself.  Maybe that would
help.  I'm attaching it to this email renamed to .txt so it doesn't get filtered


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