Hi Matt,

See this message for the probable solution:

Also see the following messages for further explanations:


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Tucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 June 2004 16:41
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: tomcat hangs


I know I've seen this issue discussed in a lot of places but I've yet to 
see a definitive solution. Here's our problem: we are running three 
instances of tomcat on our server. Two of them are running live webapps 
for two clients and one is for development. One app has been running for 
about a month and has been "hanging" (not accepting requests) more and 
more frequently (it's happening at least once a day). The second app has 
been running for a couple weeks and did not hang at first but has 
started to hang once in awhile and it appears to be happening more 
frequently. This does not seem to be related to usage as neither app is 
getting a lot of traffic when they go down. Here's our setup:

Red Hat Linux 9
Apache 2.0.49
Tomcat 5.0.19
Java 1.4.2

we are using mod_proxy to forward requests from apache to tomcat.

It went down this morning and we did a thread dump as was suggested 
elsewhere and couldn't find anything that was suspect. There is nothing 
in catalina.out to indicate why this is happening.

Someone here suggested that perhaps it has something to do with writing 
to catalina.out. This is legacy code and catalina.out is used for 
logging. The previous developers are logging every single SQL statement 
to catalina.out. This file is getting very, very large. Could this have 
anything to do with it?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as our customers are 
getting more and more annoyed. Thanks.

Matt Tucker

cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780

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