On Sun, Jun 27, 2004 at 08:48:06PM -0500, David Johnson wrote:
: When using jsvc to srart the Tomcat server with its own user ID, launched from
: a shell script in init.d during startup, jsvc aborts.  If, on the other hand,
: I launch the exact same script while logged in a root, the daemon launches
: correctly and stays in memory.  Finally, if I log in as "tomcat", it fails
: with exactly the same results as if it were launched during startup.

jsvc expects to be run as root such that it can call setuid() and
setgid() to change to the nonroot user that actually runs the daemon

IIRC since jsvc expects root privs, calls to setuid() and setgid() fail
when it is run as a nonroot user (in your case, "tomcat") even though
said user is the intended daemon user.

Long story short: sounds like expected behavior to me. ;)



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