
1. a webapp has a filter, which filters all of the requests to application's servlets.
2. the filter makes a simple check:
if (session == null || session.getAttribute("abc") == null)
//redirect the request to the login page;
//continue with it as it is
3. if i invalidate the session, and then try to use back  button of the browser the 
filter kicks me to the login page.
on tomcat4 this works fine. at least i didn't see any problem ever.
4. on tomcat 5 this logic works fine only with browser whith enabled cookies. using 
the session tracking with url rewriting doesn't work.works the debugging shows that 
the flow runs into the code block that must invalidate the session, but it's not 
invalidated. i still can get back,see the pages and use the data stored in session!:(
did u have any expirience with this stuff?
thanks in advance.

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