
Robert's suggestion should work, depending on the particulars of your situation. Additional comments...

If the problem is happening at connection creation time (ie initialization of the webapp), you're much better off. In this case, the network timeout isn't usually such a critical issue since someone is presumably monitoring the restart.

If, however, your pooled connection is bombing out during normal runtime, you've got more of a problem. This situation is generally handled by the pool -- depending on which pool impl you're using, there will likely be a refresh rate which is the rate at which connections are tested for validity by the pool (seems like most people are using DBCP with Tomcat: see "testOnBorrow" and "testWhileIdle" parameters combined with "maxWait"). If you're concerned about requests to your app taking a long time because connections are no longer valid, this should significantly help and/or solve the problem.

If that's still not enough and you feel you still need a shorter timeout, remember that there are tradeoffs to shortening the timeout (it's there for a reason, after all). That's going to be highly dependent on your pool impl and/or your database driver, depending on what you're using. Change your timeout settings there. Either way I'd advise only going as low at the DB driver and not messing with OS networking settings if possible.


At 05:11 PM 7/8/2004, you wrote:

Nobody has responded to your question (that I've seen), so I'll "take a shot".

This sounds like a network issue, and network connection failures have to "time out"
before they fail. Using a timed separate thread to obtain the connections for the pool
occurs to me; if the connection thread doesn't return in a certain amount of time the
parent thread could throw an Exception.

Has anybody tired something along these lines? Is this suggestion way off base?


Bachler, Elisabeth (Elisabeth) wrote:

I defined a database connection that uses a pool connection. Everything is
working well.
Now I had a routing problem that prevented any database connection (with a
SQPNestedException fired). The exception fired after a long time.... is
there a way of setting the connection limit, so it does not take so long
before firing the exception?


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