Jérôme Duval wrote:
Why would you compare Apache and Tomcat vs. SunONE? Isn't there a lot of
overhead in using the connector and all that? Seems to me a more logical
test would be Tomcat vs SunONE and the most recent version of both, which
Tomcat 4.1.30 is not. I smell bogus test results!

When I see 2-5 times, I smell bogus results. I know that SunONE is professional, I know that Tomcat is free and contributed, but it CANNOT be 2x-5x faster. Even if SunONE is written in assembler (which I doubt).

Even if they wrote it in C++, they still need Java classloader and other stuff. There just isn't that much room for code optimization. If they are stating that with high user load SunONE outperforms Tomcat, I'd say it's either misconfigured Tomcat or connector issues.


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