On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 01:26:39PM +0000, Didier McGillis wrote:
: looking for some information on Tomcat administration and some Java 
: programming books, what would people suggest.

No need for a Tomcat book.  I've found the docs and list quite useful.
(If you can't learn from your own mistakes, learn from someone else's.)
Know the servlet spec, too.

Most books are obsolete by the time they hit the shelves.  How many
questions do we get from people, following examples in books, expecting
the Invoker Servlet in v5.x??

It's easier to find "timeless" wisdom for a language.  Bruce Eckel's
"Thinking In Java" is introductory-level without being condescending.

The best thing you can do is take Tomcat and Java, play with them, make
mistakes and fix them as you learn.



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