
> I've thought of upgrading to a newer version of both but have a concern
that since the software was written for the older 4.1.2. Are there any good
sources which could help me through the upgrade? 

The tomcat docs.
Upgrading should only be a problem for major version changes, since they
tend to apply to a new version of the spec, which is not backwards
compatible in all cases (but in most). Upgrading in the same product line
(3.3.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 5.0.x, 5.5.x) should not be a problem.

[I upgraded from 4.0.6 to a lot of 4.1.x and 5.0.x versions without even
modifing my config files. Only one of the lastest upgrades (5.0.27 or so)
forced me to use URIEncoding-attribute.]

Surely, test first.


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