I'm stumped. Perhaps someone here can point me in the right direction?

I have Apache 2 configured with domain based virtual hosting for several domains. However, I need to forward secure and unsecured requests to separate webapps for one of these domains.


HTTP://www.domain.com > /var/httpd/client/unsecure/

HTTPS://www.domain.com > /var/httpd/client/secure/

Apache2 is talking to Tomcat and HTTPS requests for a folder show a correct directory listing, but direct requests for JSP pages are showing up as 404 errors from Tomcat. If I move these files to the unsecured document root, they are processed as normal. I've successfully used this technique with different subdomains (secure.domain.com vs www.domain.com) , but in this case the secure and unsecure subdomains are the same (both www.domain.com).

My problem is indicating that port 443 traffic should go to a different host in Tomcat, even though the domain signature is the same. I've tried adding a "port" attribute to the host element in server.xml, but it's not documented and does not work.

Here are relevant parts of my workers2.properties and server.xml files

Thanks in advance,

- Scott

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

# workers2.properties
# define the worker
# Client X Apache > Tomcat

#Uri mapping : domain.com

#Uri mapping :www.domain.com

#Uri mapping :staging.domain.com

#Uri mapping :www.domain.com

- - - - - - Server.xml - - - - - - -
<Host appBase="/var/httpd/client/unsecure/" debug="1" name="domain.com" port="80">
<Context path="" docBase="" debug="1">

<Host appBase="/var/httpd/client/secure/" debug="1" name="www.domain.com" port="443">
<Context path="" docBase="" debug="1">

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