Q1: you have to look into Manager.java deploy method. But if you take a look
at the message on top of manager/html/list page, you will see

OK - Deployed application from context file

Q2: yes, use JNDI lookup.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 26, 2004 3:54 PM
Subject: Interesting discoveries about catalina GUI manager deploy (5.0.28
and 5.0.29)

Phillip, thanks
the context.xml file works. I finally got the JNDI mail/Session to work.
But I found one thing interesting about the GUI manager deploy (upload the
ant generated war file)
After I uploaded the war file, I found that this action not only uppacked
war into the myapp directory with the context.xml in mata-inf directory,
ALSO, it generated myapp.xml in
This discovery is inconsistent with the JNDI doc says: either myapp.xml in
or in meta-inf/context.xml.
Another question is: how do I get the JNDI enviroment variable value from
the java program? still using ctx.lookup or other way.
Any idea.
Again thanks for the help!!


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