On Mon, 27 Dec 2004, QM wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 12:22:50PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> : What is the best practice for including jsp files that exist outside the
> : web application?
> I don't think there really is one.  read on:
> : I have seen a couple of threads of putting these
> : "included" jsp files in a separate web application that is not
> : overwritten... but I was wondering if there was a better solution.
> Some would say that keeping those JSP files in another app *is* the
> better solution.
> Keep in mind, webapps are meant to be self-contained units.  You should
> design your apps such that they can be placed in a sealed WAR file (e.g.
> you don't need to touch file components at runtime).
> In turn, this means anything that's going to change throughout the
> lifetime of the webapp should live outside of it: filesystem (you'd have
> to write your own code to stream the data), database, another webapp
> (i.e. dedicating a single webapp to be "the file store"), etc.
> Such separation provides the additional benefit of letting your app
> scale to multiple machines.


Thanks for your response.  I agree wholeheartedly, and would like to be
able to have this code live outside of that, since it's goign to change
throughout the lifetime of the webapp (and must maintain its changes
before and after).

However, the tricky part here, is that the code needs to be compiled
dynamically as part of the jsp.

Maybe that's the real question.  Is there a way to include jsp code
outside of the webapp that will be compiled runtime?


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