I've been following the recent threads regarding JAR locking with Tomcat 5.x on 
Windows platforms.   A few people mentioned they had been able to get either 
the antiJARLocking or antiResourceLocking attributes to work, so I've spent 
quite a bit of time trying out different scenarios and configurations, under 
the impression that I must be missing something simple.....however, I've not 
yet found a situation where either attribute has any effect on deploy/undeploy. 
I've put together a simple app that illustrates the issue.    Here's how to 
(I've actually started with a fresh, clean copy of Windows XP SP2)
1. Install JRE 5.0 (Update 1)
2. Install Tomcat 5.5.4, using windows installer.
3. Start Tomcat.  
4. Using the manager webApp, deploy this WAR.
5. Point your browser to the webApp (named 'sample'), follow the link, enter 
data in sample form, click OK.
6. note the [TomcatHome]/'temp' directory is empty.
7. Using the manager webApp, undeploy the sample app.
at this point, on my machine, struts.jar is left in the WEB-INF/lib directory.  
 Note that at step 5, the application should be running from the 'temp' 
directory, which it is not.    The context.xml for this webApp has the 
antiResourceLocking="true" value set.   Setting this attribute in the global 
context.xml also has no effect.
Any ideas are appreciated.

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