> I went to www.dyndns.org and selected 'Dynamic DNS'
> and did whatever it asked me to. I'm able to access it
> locally. ie. 

Locally means on the same machine as the server?

And could you mention which "whatever it asked me" you did?

> http://dummy.dnsalias.net/web/JSP/login.html
> But not from other computers (one at office).

Have you edited the hosts files on any of the computers, including the

> I'm able
> to ping to this machine.

Ping by IP address or by the dummy.dnsalias.net domain name?

And if IP, is it by the internal IP or the external IP?

Wait. dummy is probably not a 3LD that you'd be able to get. Are you
sure about that?

> But not able to see the web
> application. Is this is a firewall issue? How can i
> identify what are the firewalls/spywares running in my
> system and how to allow the IP Address to be visible.

I was going to mention cheap broadband "modems" that don't expose the
external interface address back to the internal LAN and about
demilitarized zones, and recapitulate the hosts file business, but I
think we haven't got that far yet.

(None of this is the main topic on this list.)

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