J Malcolm wrote:
I know you can define DataSources, etc. globally to all of Tomcat using
<GlobalNamingResources>.  I have also determined that you can define
individual DataSources inside a webApp's <Context></Context> block inside a
<Host> block.  But are these the only two options?  I would like to define
DataSources that are scoped to a <Host>, but not global to all of Tomcat.  I
tried a few things, but couldn't seem to get it to work any other way.

Is there a way to define a DataSource (or any other JNDI resource) at the
host level?

You didn't mention what version you're running, but take a look at this page for the <DefaultContext> :


More generally, examples of server.conf are great.  But is there a document
that describes all the options and variations of what you do in server.xml?

It's not a single document, but the Server Configuration Reference (again, this is for the 5.0 branch, adjust as required) covers it all, element by element:


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