> Well the Coyote connector for one definitely has compression available
> and compresses content nicely, even dynamic content. 

OK, I see this now. And I see that you can configure the MIME types you
want to compress. Very good.

> I'm not sure of
> the specifics of the caching mechanisms used internally to Tomcat but
> it achieves caching nicely giving 304 not modified responses where
> applicable and often the browser will cache the static content so a
> request isn't even made.

I just test Tomcat standalone and checked the 5.0 code, and there is
nothing that sets the expires or cache-control max-age. Content will not
be pulled from local cache unless these are specified, unless your
browser is performing some magic. So it looks to me the best you can do
w/ Tomcat is achieve a 304 response.

304 responses are inefficient for truly static content like images,
style sheets, external JavaScript files, and perhaps some html and/or
test pages. These resources should be served from the browser cache
directly w/o connecting to the server. A server is only able to handle
so many connections, so it limits scalability.

But I have seen filters that do this w/ Tomcat. If Tomcat would allow a
configurable out-of-box way to set headers for static content, I may be
out of arguments for why I personally like to use Apache to handle
static content.


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