I have a tomcat server with multiple copies of our web application running. We are running into what seems to be a hard-coded limit on the number of threads available to the Tomcat application.

I have added code to our servlet class which prints out the number of active threads whenever I initialize the servlet. On Red Hat Linux boxes, whenever we start up enough copies of the servlet to hit 100 active threads, we reach an OutOfMemoryError - regardless of the Xms/Xmx settings (memory profiling shows that we have plenty of memory available). On Windows XP, 50 seems to be the magic number.

I have tried tweaking Xss parameters, my ulimit command in Linux shows "unlimited" - and I have reached the same results with Tomcat 3.3.1, 4.0.28 and 5.0.28 using Java 1.4.1 and 1.4.2. When I use WebLogic 8.1 on the same Linux box, I reach 241 active threads with no problems whatsoever (stopped my testing at that number) so it does not seem to be an o/s limitation, or a java limitation - which leads me to believe there is something in Tomcat?

Is the number of threads available to tomcat hard coded somewhere? Is there a parameter or configuration setting that I can change to increase this?

If this question is better off posted to the developers list, please someone, let me know :)


LeeAnn Pultz
ExtraView Corporation
831-461-7100 x115

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