> >Hi guys!!
> >
> >I'm using Apache.1.3.19 - Tomcat.3.2.1 - Mod_jk over Solaris v2.7
> >
> >The fact is that I want build a security schema but I'm confused because
> >can do it with Apache or Tomcat. So what do you suggest to me? Should I
> >build the schema over Apache or Tomcat?
> >
> >hope to hear from you!
> I would say, That I depends from you and your time (teams has well)
> a Apache+Tomcat would be the best, meanhwhile you could (like I do) Do not
> have time to learn Apache AND Tomcat, then Tomcat Stand Alone would be
> enough. I personnally only use Tomcat StandAlone because, I rather focus
> my JSP and servlet then on Apache Conf, but Apache allow Load Ballancing
> and Security Far better then Tomcat (Does Tomcat Allow Load ballancing in
> stand Alone BTW). So Count your time. And Focus. At leats have a look at
> both basic user guide. It you catch fast, that also count a lot.
> :) good Luck

I'm sorry, but I'm just running Apache-Tomcat because it's more efficient
and robust, what I need to know is if I can configure the security schema of
my contexts within Tomcat in the mod_jk.conf file or directly in the



> >Lic. Martin O. Mauri
> >Profesion + Auge A.F.J.P
> >Parana 666 - Cap. Federal
> >TE: (011) 4373-7786/7 int: 422
> >www.profesi.com.ar

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