Dakota Jack wrote:

You have to be and are comparing apples and oranges, Kevin,
Perhaps... but my point was that JSP 2.0 doesn't HAVE to be this slow! :)

JSP *is* Java. DOH! It cannot run slower than what it is.
No.. it could run slower... I'm sure the Tomcat developers will find a way ;)

probably are comparing just running a Java method like setFoo(String
foo) { this.foo = foo; } where the parameter foo has the value "bar". But, this is really misleading. The "simple" code you write with
<c:set var="foo" value="bar"/> in fact is just as complex as what you
see and have provided in your email.  So, if you want to compare, you
have to do all that the code you see as *ugly* does.
No ... of course not! For example a JSP 1.x scriptlet would NOT be anywhere near as slow!

If you don't
want to do all that, don't.  But, that is not a problem with JSP and
JSP is not a dog if used properly.
Ha... so what's properly?  Don't use c:set?  Don't use c:if ?...

That's all I have to say about

OK forest :)



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  Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
     AIM/YIM - sfburtonator,  Web - http://peerfear.org/
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