
I have a servlet, RenameFile, that receives audio file via HTTP Post and
writes it to /tmp/recording.0002002B-0C0022BB-0001.1.20050622.073208.wav.
Then it creates directories under /alert_messages directory based on the
timing parameters that it get. Finally, it renames the 
/tmp/recording.0002002B-0C0022BB-0001.1.20050622.073208.wav file to  
/alert_messages/2005/06/22/22/00/79_0_200506222200_001.WAV. RenameFile runs
fine when it runs by itself (ONLY one Tomcat, jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30, is 
running). However, RenameFile fails to rename the 
/tmp/recording.0002002B-0C0022BB-0001.1.20050622.073208.wav to
/alert_messages/2005/06/22/22/00/79_0_200506222200_001.WAV when it runs 
in a Linux box that jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24 is also running. In this box,
TWO versions of Tomcat are running at the same time. I set the
/alert_messages directory with “chmod –R 777” and run jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30
as tomcat user. RenameFile fails the rename operation. But, it creates the
/alert_messages/2005/06/22/22/00/ directories.

It seem like RenameFile can create directory but can’t create file in the
/alert_messages directory when both version of tomcats are running at the
same time. Can it be due to both the jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30 and the 
jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24 versions are running at the same time in one
Linux box?  Can this be Jboss prevented the operation?

Any help in this issue is greatly appreciated.

Debug listing from the RenameFile;
- originalFilename: recording.0002002B-0C0022BB-0001.1.20050622.073208.wav
- file.toString(): /tmp/recording.0002002B-0C0022BB-0001.1.20050622.073208.wav
- file.getName(): recording.0002002B-0C0022BB-0001.1.20050622.073208.wav
- file.length(): 122986
- file /alert_messages/2005/06/22/22/00/79_0_200506222200_001.WAV
- file NOT renamed /alert_messages/2005/06/22/22/00/79_0_200506222200_001.WAV

File Listing in the /tmp directory create by RenameFile;
-rw-r--r--    1 tomcat   tomcat      122986 Jun 22 07:33 

Directoy Listing in the / directory with “ls –la”;
drwxrwxrwx    3 tomcat   tomcat       4096 Jun 22 07:28 alert_messages

Directory created by the RenameFile with “ls -la 
drwxr-xr-x    2 tomcat   tomcat        4096 Jun 22 07:33 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 tomcat   tomcat        4096 Jun 22 07:33 ..

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