The recognition (and so far, little acceptance) that form fields will not be
sent in a guaranteed order by a browser, and never mind that, because even
if your browser does,  the container doesn't guarantee an order either... is
from "Beginner's Servlets". But maybe I only think that because the vast
majority of my time in servlet/jsp development has not been spent with a
container that has this nice "enhancement". 

If you *output* the fields in a determined order, then it seems clear that
you could also do something like name="<%= index %>_restOfName". Hackish,
brutish and "stupid" as it might seem, to those that have not drunk the
koolaid, I think it (or something like it) is a time-honoured tradition for
most people that already understood this (the aforementioned koolaid
This is almost as good as realizing in late 2005 that "referrer" is not a
reliable header. GAH.

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