I'm not sure if this is the only or best way but you could create virtual hosts 
within your server.xml, one for each domain. Then obviously your code will only 
exist in one of the domains and the other you can do the redirect stuff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Teter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 August 2005 13:17
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: session problems: www.blahblah.com versus blahblah.com

I guess I was hoping there was some server-level redirect.

I'm not sure how I would put the meta redirect in all my pages.  My
app is a complicated mess (my fault - my lack of skill).

The issue is that my users are clicking a PayPal "Subscribe" button,
which sends them off to PayPal.  Part of the hidden information sent
to PayPal when the user clicks that button is the return path.

So if user comes to blahblah.com, clicks the Subscribe button it sends
them to PayPal with a return path of www.blahblah.com (because that's
what I'm telling PayPal to do.)  I'm thinking now I can just look at
the URL they're at now and set my PayPal return path dynamically... If
they're here as blahblah.com, I make sure to tell the PayPal form that
the return path is blahblah.com.  If www, then return to www...

Thanks for your suggestion though.  I can even continue using PayPal's
encrypted buttons - I'll just make two buttons, one for www, and
theother for just blahblah, and display the appropriate button based
on current situation.

Still, I think I was hoping that somewhere in server.xml I could say
"all requests for blahblah.com should be mapped to www.blahblah.com."

Thanks all.

On 8/16/05, Peter Rossbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Michael,
> I look inside the tomcat source and find that we don't set the cookie
> hostname attribute.
> That means that the calling client/browser must made the hostname
> handling. I also
> thing the redirect way is currently right direction.
> Peter
> Paul Singleton schrieb:
> > Michael Teter wrote:
> >
> >> If my users come to "blahblah.com", then go away, then return, they
> >> get a new session id (for www.blahblah.com).
> >>
> >> But if they come to www.blahblah.com, leave, and return (via link from
> >> external site), they keep the same session.
> >>
> >> I finally discovered that the browser (Firefox in this case) ends up
> >> with two different session cookies - one for www.blahblah.com and one
> >> for blahblah.com.
> >
> >
> > this behaviour seems reasonable to me...
> >
> >> What's the right thing to do to solve this?
> >
> >
> > it doesn't need solving, just accepting :-)
> >
> > but assuming you want www.blahblah.com and blahblah.com
> > to behave (session-wise) like one domain, which they aren't,
> > you could redirect (client-side) from www.blahblah.com
> > (which IMHO is the redundant/obsolete/legacy domain) to
> > blahblah.com, which allocates sessions and dishes out cookies.
> >
> > i.e. www.blahblah.com is a static site which just serves e.g.
> >
> > <html>
> >   <head>
> >     <title><%= a.appTitle %>: redirection page</title>
> >     <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://blahblah.com"; />
> >   </head>
> >   <body onLoad="window.location.replace('http://blahblah.com')">
> >     <!-- optional "if you are not redirected..." blurb -->
> >   </body>
> > <html>
> >
> > NB I haven't actually *tried* this :-)
> >
> > Paul Singleton
> >
> >
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