I would imagine the other way to do this is to implement a filter
looking for people trying to reach blahblah.com and returning a 302
redirect to www.blahblah.com.  That would give them all the proper
cookie from the start and could be implemented accross all your webapp
resources at once.


Michael Teter wrote:

>I guess I was hoping there was some server-level redirect.
>I'm not sure how I would put the meta redirect in all my pages.  My
>app is a complicated mess (my fault - my lack of skill).
>The issue is that my users are clicking a PayPal "Subscribe" button,
>which sends them off to PayPal.  Part of the hidden information sent
>to PayPal when the user clicks that button is the return path.
>So if user comes to blahblah.com, clicks the Subscribe button it sends
>them to PayPal with a return path of www.blahblah.com (because that's
>what I'm telling PayPal to do.)  I'm thinking now I can just look at
>the URL they're at now and set my PayPal return path dynamically... If
>they're here as blahblah.com, I make sure to tell the PayPal form that
>the return path is blahblah.com.  If www, then return to www...
>Thanks for your suggestion though.  I can even continue using PayPal's
>encrypted buttons - I'll just make two buttons, one for www, and
>theother for just blahblah, and display the appropriate button based
>on current situation.
>Still, I think I was hoping that somewhere in server.xml I could say
>"all requests for blahblah.com should be mapped to www.blahblah.com."
>Thanks all.
>On 8/16/05, Peter Rossbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hey Michael,
>>I look inside the tomcat source and find that we don't set the cookie
>>hostname attribute.
>>That means that the calling client/browser must made the hostname
>>handling. I also
>>thing the redirect way is currently right direction.
>>Paul Singleton schrieb:
>>>Michael Teter wrote:
>>>>If my users come to "blahblah.com", then go away, then return, they
>>>>get a new session id (for www.blahblah.com).
>>>>But if they come to www.blahblah.com, leave, and return (via link from
>>>>external site), they keep the same session.
>>>>I finally discovered that the browser (Firefox in this case) ends up
>>>>with two different session cookies - one for www.blahblah.com and one
>>>>for blahblah.com.
>>>this behaviour seems reasonable to me...
>>>>What's the right thing to do to solve this?
>>>it doesn't need solving, just accepting :-)
>>>but assuming you want www.blahblah.com and blahblah.com
>>>to behave (session-wise) like one domain, which they aren't,
>>>you could redirect (client-side) from www.blahblah.com
>>>(which IMHO is the redundant/obsolete/legacy domain) to
>>>blahblah.com, which allocates sessions and dishes out cookies.
>>>i.e. www.blahblah.com is a static site which just serves e.g.
>>>  <head>
>>>    <title><%= a.appTitle %>: redirection page</title>
>>>    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://blahblah.com"; />
>>>  </head>
>>>  <body onLoad="window.location.replace('http://blahblah.com')">
>>>    <!-- optional "if you are not redirected..." blurb -->
>>>  </body>
>>>NB I haven't actually *tried* this :-)
>>>Paul Singleton
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David Smith
Network Operations Supervisor
Department of Entomology
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Cornell University
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