Charles Meier wrote:

If I understand this setup correctly, you would be running one instance of Tomcat for all of your virtual hosts. This has the disadvantage that if one virtual host needs to be restarted, you will need
to restart Tomcat for all of your virtual hosts.

An alternative is to let Apache handle the virtual hosts and run multiple instances of Tomcat -- one instance per virtual host. This requires multiple mod_jk instances, each communicating across a unique port with an instance of Tomcat. Each Tomcat should be deployed to its own home dir w/ its own CATALINA_HOME pointing to that directory and with each Tomcat given its own start/ script that sets CATALINA_HOME. This is more complex to set up, and I'm not sure how many separate Tomcats this can handle, but it does allow you
to have something like:

Maybe this is realistic in your hosting setup, but it would be absurd in mine. The fact you are concerned that VirtualHost changing on the fly is an issue suggests you might have a great many VirtualHosts in the first place and to give each one their own JVM would be absurd.

As each JVM gets more and more use they will eat up system resources that it wont necessarly be given back to the system. Each Apache instance will end up with a AJP socket open to each TC it would multiply up the socket usage, memory usage.

All so that you dont have to restart TC for VirtualHost changes. I would much sooner write the code in TC (if its not already been done) to allow <Host> level configuration changes to take place at runtime.

Darryl L. Miles

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