A couple of things here.  I'll try to insert comment
where appropriate.

--- Don Boling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't seem to get anything to successfully pass
> though the mod_jk connector to the webapp.

What version of mod_jk?
> My mod_jk.conf , workers.properties are as follows.
> $ less mod_jk.conf
> #
>         JkWorkersFile
> /usr/local/etc/apache/workers.properties
>         JkLogFile  /var/log/jk.log
>         JkLogLevel debug

Later versions of mod_jk need JkShmFile on UNIX.

>         JkMount /*.jsp worker1
>         JkMount /servlet/* worker1
>         JkMount /examples/* worker1
>         JkMount /docstore worker1
>         JkMount /docstore/* worker1

My installs of Tomcat on Linux and Windows do not have
an examples web application.  I have /jsp-examples and
a /servlets-examples contexts.  You might try:

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1
JkMount /servlet-examples/servlet/* worker1

I don't know what your other applications are, but
I'll comment on a general setup in a bit.
> # Define 1 real worker using ajp13
> worker.list=worker1
> # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)
> worker.worker1.type=ajp13
> worker.worker1.host=localhost
> worker.worker1.port=8009
> worker.worker1.lbfactor=50
> worker.worker1.cachesize=10
> worker.worker1.cache_timeout=600
> worker.worker1.socket_keepalive=1
> worker.worker1.reclycle_timeout=300

You probably don't need worker.worker1.lbfactor since
you're not using load balancing.  Recycle
(worker.worker1.reclycle_timeout) needs to be spelled

[Lots of log stuff deleted]

With the exceptin of docstore, I did not see anything
that matched your JkMount statements.  Since there was
no match, no requests were forwarded.

In general, you will probably not have
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps and Apache's DocumentRoot
ovelapping each other.  Since they don't overlap,
Apache will not know anything about static files
(html, css, etc.) that live in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps.

You can use Directory and Alias directives in Apache
to set up access and map the directory into a URI
space that Apache knows about.

With later versions of mod_jk, you can use JkAutoAlias
to map directories for you.  From the documentation at

JkAutoAlias /opt/tomcat/webapps

Then you can use JkMount to map certain requests
(*.jsp, /*/servlet/*).

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

The value of JkAutoAlias appears to be prepended to
the JkMount directive to find the physical location.

I've not used JkAutoAlias, but this appears to be a
nice alternative to Directory and Alias directives in

In short:

1. Add JkShmFile to httpd.conf
2. Remove lbfactor from workers.properties
3. Change the spelling of recycle
4. Use JkAutoAlias or Directory / Alias directives to
put the appropriate directories within Apache's
document and URI space.

I hope that gets you up and running.


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