Which TOMCAT are you playing with?
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael McElligott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, April 06, 2001 2:15 AM
Subject: aaargh!

Okay, so I want to hook up apache with Tomcat on my development box (win98).  So I read server.xml, and it tells me I need to make these modifications to httpd.conf.  Then it says: here's how you make mod_webapp.so.
Of course, to make mod_webapp.so, I need make, right?  And since I'm on 98, I don't have it.  That's aside from the fact that I need a compiler (I'm thinking gcc, right?).
So I download gcc.  It has to be made as well.  From the documentation that I went through, looks like it encourages you to start with Visual C++.  I don't *have* Visual C++.  I'm a java guy.  I was very happy to leave pointers at school and go to a nice warm everything-done-for-you Java world.  So then I think, well I guess I need to get make anyway (regardless of the VC++ question).  Make has to be made too.  Hmm..
So I spot something called egcs at one point and for some reason think it's an executable that will run on Intel hardware.  Wrong.  Doesn't support windows at this time.
The point of this rant is not (as you might think) that the universe needs to satisfy me.. it's just that I'm a little concerned that I need to go buy a Microsoft product to get open source software to run on my machine..
Just ranting at 2:15...
P.S.  I do have VC around here somewhere, but I imagine lots of folks don't.. how do they get everything set up, without having to guy buy VC++?
P.P.S.  I suppose the easy answer would be to download Red Hat, huh? ;)

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